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سوزان29 (sozan29)
30 year
Nationality Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia | aš-Šarqīyah
Last login Before 5 months ( 28/08/2024 )
I want my partner to be
ان يكون ذو خلق ودين وان يخاف الله فيني
More information about sozan29
ثلاثينيه مجنووونه غيوره جدا بنكهه ناضجه طيبه متعلمه واعيه مثقفه ملامحي جميله انتمي لقبيله ... وكل مااريد رجل يشبعني عشقا لا ينتهي وساشبعه شوقا لا يرحم ... فانا احب السفر والقراءه واعشق القهوه ... هادئه احيانا حسب المزاج واعشق اسلوب التفاهم والحوار والمنطق .
Personal Info
Length / Weight 167 cm / 72 Kg
Hair type soft
Hair color Black
Eye color Hazel
Skin color White
Health status Good health
Religion Care about it
Commitment to prayer Commitment
Hijab-The veil Veiled (Nikab)
Smoking Non-smoker
Listening to songs Yes Listen
Study and work
Educational qualification University
Work field Not working
Financial status Good
Annual income Less than $ 8000
Marital status
Accepted type of marriage Only one
Marital status Miss
Current number of kids None
Desire to have children? Yes

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I want marriage Mesyar , Polygamy
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I want marriage Normal
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I want marriage Normal , Polygamy
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I want marriage Normal , Mesyar , Polygamy